How to Know You Need Water Line Service

More and more 3 Mountains Home Services is hearing from customers who are getting calls from the city of Portland saying that their home’s water usage is too high. What does this mean? It could mean there is a water leak in any of your home’s plumbing fixtures.

Start by checking the following:

Each of these common plumbing fixtures should have its shut-off valve, so you can test which one is leaking by shutting the angle or straight stops.

Additional steps to determine if you need a water main line replacement include:
  1. Leave your water meter running
  2. Shut off the water to your entire house
  3. If the red triangle in the water meter is spinning, there is a water service leak

Water service replacements are important to Portland for obvious environmental and cost reasons, which is the way the city makes the call. Another sign that you might need a water main line replacement could be an abnormally large increase to your quarterly Portland water bill.

Water main line replacements are common in Portland because the water service pipe spans from your house to the water meter on the curb. Portland homeowners are responsible for that entire stretch of what is typically not very sturdy PVC or not very long-lasting galvanized, or copper pipe. Worse still, some water main lines connect galvanized pipe to copper pipe resulting in even more room for leakage at an unstable joint (pictured).

3 Mountains Home Services of Portland encourages homeowners to replace their water main lines with Wirsbo pipe developed by a German company called Uponor. Wirsbo pipe is the clear leader in piping replacements.

To help make your water service replacement a smooth one, 3 Mountains Home Services provides:
  • A 10-year warranty on labor and materials
  • 25-year warrantee on pipe and fittings
  • Same day service

So, if Portland calls, check for leaks, and contact 3 Mountains Home Services if you need a water service replacement.

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