The main water line replacement comes with accompanying signs. A lot can go wrong with your plumbing, and there are several factors such as time, use, and weather conditions that can wear down your main water line over time. Every day your plumbing endures a lot, and just like the pipes and drains in your house, your sewer’s main water line can clog and break down. No homeowner wants to deal with the stress of damaged plumbing, but it happens, and it’s crucial to know when it’s time to replace your main water line.

The Warning Signs of a Damaged Main Water Line

Taking proper care of your plumbing is a priority, and that includes your main water line. Your main water line is responsible for delivering water in and out of your house. A lot of water continuously flows through it, making it susceptible to damage such as clogs, breaks, and leaks. A damaged main water line, however, can be catastrophic for your home, rendering all your plumbing useless or worse, flooding your home with raw sewage. Luckily most plumbing catastrophes can be avoided with proper maintenance. Some damages are unfortunately caught a little too late, but delaying a replacement can only cause more plumbing problems. Knowing when there is a problem with your main sewer line is a great place to start, and it helps to prevent a future plumbing crisis.

  • Clogged plumbing. One common result of a damaged sewer line is clogged plumbing, which could mean that there is a clog somewhere in the main sewer line. Clogs can be caused by multiple things, an accumulation of waste and other debris, tree roots, or a collapsed or aging pipeline. Clogs can be a common plumbing problem, but if they happen often enough, it may be time to replace your main water line.
  • Tree root incursion. What you flush down the drain isn’t the only culprit for a clogged main water line.

  • Tree roots are notorious for creeping into your plumbing and causing some very destructive clogs. A tree is constantly seeking moisture with its roots, and if it’s close enough to the main sewer line, it can squeeze through any joints and connections. Over time those roots will expand until the pipe bursts or collapse. The damage done by tree root incursion warrants a replacement. It usually requires a plumber to not only access where the tree roots have penetrated the pipe but installing new and stronger piping that prevents tree root incursion.
  • Drop in water pressure. A damaged main sewer line can cause your home’s plumbing several different problems, including low water pressure. If disappointing showers start to become a frequent problem, it might be time to replace your main water line.
  • Contaminated water. Any breaks or leaks in your main water line can allow dirt and debris to flow into your drinking water. Pay close attention to the water coming out of your faucet. If you notice any discoloration, strange smells, or a grainy texture, your water could be contaminated. A broken main water line can lead to serious health risks if left untreated.
  • Water pooling in the yard. Little ponds of water and lush patches of grass are both signs of a leaking main water line. The problem could be from other plumbing, but it’s impossible to tell without a plumber to look at it.
  • Odd noises. Hearing noises when you’re running a faucet is normal, but if hear noises when no water is running through your house, it means there’s a leak somewhere either in your house or the main water line.
  • High utility bills. A damaged sewer line usually leaks water and that can result in costly utility bills. If you notice your water bills are constantly higher than usual, your main water line may be to be replaced.
  • Pest problems. Damaged sewer lines are an open invitation for pests like roaches and rats that can squeeze into small spaces. If you start to find pests in or around your home, call a plumber immediately, as these pests are a major health hazard.

Nobody Wants Sewage in Their Home

Plumbing problems are bound to happen, but you don’t want to deal with the consequences of a broken main water line. Your plumbing is complicated, and it requires routine maintenance to function properly. Having a licensed plumber annually inspect your main water line and plumbing system can help prevent most problems. Don’t wait until your basement is flooded with sewage, protect your home, and schedule an inspection with a plumber today.

Call 3 Mountains Home Services today for more information on replacing your main water line!

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