Emergency plumbing in Portland can be hugely beneficial during those last-minute plumbing problems that seem to spring up out of nowhere. If encounter an emergency early in the morning or late at night, you need to call up a service company that is ready to help you at any time. That’s where 3 Mountains Home Services can step in. Our team of plumbers provides the best emergency plumbing in Portland and wants to see you with the most effective yet cost-efficient plumbing, which is why they’re available around the clock!

However, we’re not just here to provide service: we’re also here to provide you with some advice. You shouldn’t just have to settle for lousy plumbing. After all, you may wind up paying upwards of thousands of dollars on repair simply because you didn’t do any maintenance work. But we want to change all of that by giving you a few pointers on how to make sure you’re not spending too much of your savings just trying to maintain a good plumbing system!

Check Out These Money-Saving Tips!

When you’re looking to save money on plumbing, take note of these helpful pieces of advice from the 3 Mountains Home Services team:

  • Check for Leaks: Check for leaks or cracks in any of your plumbing fixtures so you’ll know to call for professional service immediately. Unfortunately, many homeowners will allow leaks to persist and they wind up costing themselves plenty of money on monthly water bills. Get leaks fixed before they worsen or else you may have to
  • Turn down Water Heater Temperature: You will most likely feel the urge to rely on hot water more if temperatures dip below freezing, but please remember your water heater should not be set anywhere above 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This will keep your water heater from using energy to heat water and prevent water from verging on scalding.
  • Consider Water Heater Replacement: In addition to turning down your water heater temperature, you may also want to consider water heater replacement to avoid wasting even more money on energy costs. This may have an upfront cost, but an older, faultier water heater will eventually send that energy and repairs up to unmanageable highs.
  • Check Faucets and Hose Bibs: Frozen pipes will cost you plenty of money to get them fixed, and may also have you seek temporary residence elsewhere as they are repaired. To prevent frozen pipes, check faucets and hose bibs regularly to see if they are leaking as these will be the first to freeze if left undetected. The faster you act on avoiding frozen pipes, the more cost-efficient your winter is.

Contact 3 Mountains Home Services today if you need emergency plumbing in Portland and of course, ask our plumbers for any advice!

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