Plumbing maintenance may be unfamiliar to you if you’re a first-time homeowner. Maybe in the past, you relied on either a local plumbing company or you still lived under your parents’ roof and they did the maintenance work instead. But what you need to know is that part of being a new, responsible homeowner is conducting a little bit of maintenance on your own. When you think of a plumbing system, we’re guessing you probably picture a toilet, a dripping faucet, a bathtub, etc. However, the reality is that your home’s plumbing system is so much more than just a few choice fixtures. It’s the several smaller parts that make those fixtures work in the first place that are the most important elements of the system. But since those features aren’t so immediately visible, you probably haven’t even considered them before or are aware that they exist. We’re talking about features like water meters, water main valves, water pressure regulators, and so much more. Ignoring any of these things may prove a costly mistake, resulting in problems like higher costs on emergency plumbing bills and an inability to discern between minor and major plumbing issues. Life in your new home shouldn’t be filled with all that trouble, so it’s much better to study the various features of your system so the next round of plumbing maintenance will be a breeze.

Why Should You Call 3 Mountains Home Services for Plumbing Maintenance?

Fortunately, 3 Mountains Home Services is here to make sure your plumbing system is ready to go this winter, especially if this is your first time owning a home. We can provide a wide range of plumbing problems including pipe leaks, drain clogs, sewer repair, and so much more. If it involves plumbing, you can count on us to keep you satisfied. With our service, you will experience plenty of benefits. You can make an informed decision about whether your plumbing system is energy-efficient. If it’s not, you can get it replaced or upgraded so it is, which can save you in monthly utility and energy bills. You also won’t have to worry about pipes bursting and creating massive leaks in the house since you’ll know what preventative actions to take. This means you can rely on your local plumber less, which also keeps money in your pocket. You’ll feel safer, and you’ll be happy that your family is safe, too. And once their satisfaction is guaranteed, what else could be better?

5 Basic Parts of Your Plumbing Parts

Don’t limit your understanding to just a few essential fixtures. There are several smaller components you may have missed, including these 5 basic parts:

  1. Water Main Valve: Every home needs a water main valve installed during initial construction. It will control the flow of water in your house and will come in handy in the event of a pipe leak or burst. It is typically located in the basement or crawl space of your home. Knowing where it is located can prove a huge benefit during an emergency, as you’ll be able to shut off water quickly before you lose any of it due to a leak.
  2. Cut-Off Valves: In addition to having a water main valve, a cut off-valve will prove beneficial in a situation where you need to cut off the flow of water to any of your most essential plumbing fixtures like toilets and sinks. This will come in handy when your toilet leaks, which can send unsanitary water out onto the surrounding floor and lead to significant water damage in your home.
  3. Water Meters: This part gives you an overall read on the overall system’s health. Fortunately, there are several water meters available today on the market that can detect leaks in your home and give you detailed information on your water usage. This will allow you to know if you need to slow down your current water usage so you save money on future water bills and pinpoint the exact areas where you’re losing water so you can put a stop to any leaks.
  4. Water Pressure Regulators: This part will let you know the pressure of your water flow, which will prove helpful when the pressure of the water entering the home needs to be reduced. If you’re about to take a shower, the last thing you want is to be greeted with hot water at high pressure. But a water pressure regulator will ensure you avoid this problem by letting you know when the pressure needs to be lowered.
  5. Gas, Electric, and Hot Water Valves: These parts control essential resources and can be shut off when needed. This will prove helpful in the event the water from your water heater is getting too hot to the point where it’s scalding. Gas and electric valves will prove also prove helpful depending on what fuels your water heater.

Don’t Drown in Costly Plumbing Repair Bills! Call 3 Mountains Home Services and Ask About Our Plumbing Maintenance Services Today!

If you want to learn more, please contact 3 Mountains Home Services today if you want to live comfortably and efficiently thanks to our high-quality plumbing maintenance!

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