Toilet repair is no homeowner’s idea of a good time, especially if the toilet is overflowing with water, waste, and who knows what. You may not believe it, but the number of toilets in American homes is growing. According to data published by the United States Census Bureau, the number of new homes with three or more bathrooms each now outnumber new homes built with one to one and one-half bathrooms by a ratio of nearly ten to one. If this applies to your home, you may even experience the hassle of dealing with multiple clogs at once, and you need to know how to take action and prevent the situation from growing much worse. After all, the consequences of not taking care of toilet clogs may cost you more money than you realize. Problems may include repair or replacement costs to flooring, drain, and sewer line repairs, higher water bills, etc. You may also pay a significant amount of money for water damage restoration services. If you want to avoid high spending this season, you need to study how you can avoid these situations altogether. You may be surprised to learn that you can save hundreds, even thousands of dollars on toilet repair just by learning a few simple tips on how to reduce the risk of clogs.

Calling 3 Mountains Home Services for High-Quality Service

Fortunately, if you are looking for a service that will help you fix your toilet, look no further than 3 Mountains Home Services. We can provide you with excellent toilet repair that will see you save so much money on utility bills. After all, your toilet is the most essential plumbing fixture in your home, and you cannot afford to allow it to clog up. We can provide a wide range of repairs. However, while calling a licensed plumber from 3 Mountains Home Services to perform toilet repair is ideal, you don’t need to be a professional in the field to know how to keep the risk of clogs down to a low. All it takes is a few simple actions to see clog-free performance from your toilet immediately. Just by learning a few tips and teaching the rest of your family a thing or two about toilet maintenance, you will notice lower spending on utility bills. You will also extend the lifespan of your plumbing fixtures by years, so you can enjoy greater efficiency for a longer period. Your toilet is the most essential fixture in your home and when it’s working at its best, you can expect long-term satisfaction.

How Can You Save Money on Toilet Repair?

Even if you’re not a licensed plumber, you can still take action in fixing toilet clogs by following these 5 easy steps:

  1. Provide an Alternate Garbage Disposal: Clogs will happen simply because there is no other option for disposal in the bathroom, leaving the occupant no other choice but to discard something in the toilet. However, you should instead place a small trash can near each toilet in the home. This is an economical way of preventing clogged toilets that could be the result of something getting flushed down the toilet that shouldn’t have been even near it in the first place.
  2. Keep Surfaces Clear: Many clogged toilets also result from accidents where an object is knocked into the toilet accidentally. This often happens when nearby counters are filled with small objects like bottles and cosmetics. Keeping these areas clear of small items will lessen the chances of you having to make an unnecessary call for plumbing repairs.
  3. Flush Twice, When Necessary: If waste is not removed after the first flush, you should flush again. However, if these multiple flushes are becoming incredibly common, then you need to consider that there may be a serious problem with the toilet itself. Not to mention, multiple flushes are also a waste of water. If you want to avoid higher spending on water bills and further damage to your plumbing system, you should instead contact a licensed plumber to determine what service will be needed to fix the problem.
  4. Learn to Plunge: You probably have a plunger in your home but do you know how to do it properly? If not, please follow these steps: insert the plunger into the toilet bowl, position the plunger over the drainage hole, and plunge vigorously until the water levels in the toilet bowl go down, and this will then let you know the clog has been successfully removed.
  5. Educate Family Members: Children and adults alike need to know what absolutely shouldn’t be thrown down the drain. You should inform your family these objects should stay far away from your toilet: paper products (cleaning wipes, feminine hygiene products, cotton balls), household waste products (kitty litter, human or pet hair, grease, oil), or other materials (toys, medications, articles of clothing).
  6. Don’t Wait for an Emergency to Stroke – Schedule Your Toilet Repair Today

    Contact 3 Mountains Home Services today if you want to learn more about how you can ensure better plumbing by saving money on toilet repair!

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