When you hear persistent drip-drops, it can only mean one thing: leaky faucets in Portland. Though you may think a leaky faucet isn’t anything to freak out over, the consequences may be a nightmare. The longer you allow a leaky faucet to go untreated by a professional plumber, the more water you’re wasting. A great number of Portland residents each year allow their faucets to continuously leak, leaving them scratching their heads as to why their monthly water bills are dramatically rising in cost. You can save plenty of money and water if you simply call for repair immediately, but where do you go?

3 Mountains Home Services offers extensive repair on leaky faucets in Portland to eliminate an extra layer of stress from your life. Our team of professional plumbers can carefully examine your faucet to determine the exact root of the problem. We’ll consult with you on the work that needs to be done on your faucet and the steps we’ll take in ensuring you won’t experience another leak for a long time to come. When it all comes down to it, we want to give you the best service so you can save money and water.

What Causes Leaky Faucets in Portland?
A part of excellent leaky faucet repair is identifying the root of the problem to make sure repairs are done correctly. While several things can cause your faucet to leak, here are 4 of the most common causes of leaky faucets in Portland:

  1. Poor Installation: More than not, a faucet can leak due to poor installation. Never refer to a professional service you don’t 100% trust, as it may lead you to experience things like leaks and other performance issues. A professional plumber from 3 Mountains Home Services can make sure your faucet is installed correctly with stronger connections that are stronger than ever.
  2. O Ring Problems: The small disc attached to the faucet’s steam screw is known as the O ring. The O ring can become loose or worn after repeated use, which can cause faucets to drip from the handle. Repairing the O ring can fix your leaky faucet entirely.
  3. Corroded Valve Seat: The valve seat serves as the connection between the faucet and the spout. The valve seat can eventually become corroded to the point where it starts to fall apart due to the accumulation of sediment in the water. This can cause leaks the more it weakens so it’s important to repair it or have it replaced.
  4. Water Pressure Problems: High water pressure can cause faucet leaks due to the pressure preventing water from flowing away from a certain point. This can cause water to back up and seek another place to leak out. If you’re noticing high water pressure, it’s time to call for professional service.

Contact 3 Mountains Home Services today if you want to learn more about what causes leaky faucets in Portland. A single drop from a leaky faucet can lead to numerous problems!

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