One of the most enjoyable kinds of projects we see here at 3 Mountains Home Services involves gas line services in Portland yards. Most gas line services we provide are to run gas lines to stoves, ovens, furnaces, and water heaters, but there’s one other, super fun application: fire pits!

Gas Line Services for Fire Pits

With the warm months already here, many Portland residents are looking forward to enjoying long summer evenings in their backyards. And in your lovely, landscaped garden what could be a more appealing addition than a fire pit? Whether it’s to gather around with your kids singing campfire songs, enjoying a long overdue catch-up with your friends, or simply enjoying a romantic evening under the stars with your significant other, a fire pit offers a universally attractive backyard feature.

You can build your fire pit following instructions from a reliable DIY website like This Old House, or you can have a super-stylish one installed by professional garden architects, like these beautiful variations from Zillow. But whatever you choose, one thing remains the same: you need a gas line to run to the fire pit. And that requires some highly specialized work.

3 Mountains Home Services: Your Best Choice for Installing an Outside Gas Line

Because gas line services are potentially dangerous, you need to make sure you hire a reliable company with a proven track record of doing similar projects. In Portland, you’re best advised to call 3 Mountains Home Services. For more than 15 years, we’ve been providing gas line services to homeowners in the Portland area. We know exactly what the local regulations are, and we’re experienced in preserving the integrity of your property and yard while laying a new gas line. We’re so confident about the outstanding service that we offer warranties on our labor and the parts used!

If you’re looking to outfit your backyard with an accentuating fire pit this summer, call us now to find out how we can help!

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