Keep Your Pump Working When You Need It Most

To make sure your sump pump will work when you need it the most, you need to perform some simple maintenance, just like you would for any sort of appliance. Here are some steps you can take to make sure your pump is in proper working order.

The Sump Pit

If your area has extended periods of frozen weather, make sure you clean the pit when the weather warms. Drainage can bring debris, sand, and soil from the pit to the foundation of your basement. If water sits for a long time in your pit, that can lead to a musty smell. In this instance, add fresh water until the pump removes the old water.

The Sump Pump

Test your pump every spring before the start of the rainy season, or if you plan on being away from your home for a long time. If necessary, pour water into the pit so your pump can operate. Once a year, clean your pump thoroughly after disconnecting it from its power source. Your pump probably has a screen covering the water intake. Make sure that remains clean.

The Sump Pump Discharge Pipe

Look at the area where the discharge pipe leaves your home, and make sure nothing blocks its flow.

If notice anything out of the ordinary as go about this maintenance check, call 3 Mountains Home Services ASAP!

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