Ask a Portland Plumber: How to Avoid Clogs

What can you do? Isn’t a toilet clog just a natural, albeit unpleasant, fact of life? Can’t you just buy a good plunger and hope for the best? Well, you can, but this won’t do your toilet bowl or home plumbing systems any good in the long run. Plus, who wants the awkward job of plunging a toilet particularly when there’s a house full of guests?

The truth is there is never a right time for a clogged toilet. Clogged toilets are just especially worse around the holidays when your home is bustling with family and friends.

We’re here to give a few tips on how to avoid toilet clogs and what Portland homeowners can do before the holidays to ensure toilet bowl success.

Three Tips on Keeping Your Toilet Safe!

Seriously, protect your toilet! You and your family use it every day, multiple times a day. A household toilet needs (and deserves) some extra special care. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Remove Clutter: No one needs to keep knick-knacks, figurines, or any other kind of ornate decoration on their toilet bowls. Be selective about your bathroom décor keeping in mind that any of these items could end up down your drain.
  2. Nothing But Organic Waste: We’re serious here. There’s no need to get creative when it comes to toilet bowls. The only things that belong in toilets should be those that instantaneously dissolve in water.
  3. Keep the Lid Down: It sounds so simple, but we often forget to do it. Keeping the toilet bowl lid down is probably the number one toilet bowl clog preventative tip we can provide. This will keep out toys, cell phones, keys, and all other various knick-knacks.

Is your toilet suffering from frequent clogs? Call 3 Mountains Home Services to learn more and find out about our drain cleaning and toilet bowl upgrade solutions.

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