Ask a Portland Plumber: When is it Time for a New Water Heater?

Hey, we get it. Water heaters can be expensive. They’re not necessarily at the top of everyone’s shopping spree list. That’s why at 3 Mountains Home Services of Portland, we try to make plumbing and the process of purchasing new plumbing fixtures as delightful as possible.

5 Signs It’s Time for a New Water Heater

  1. Puddles: Pools of water surrounding the water heater are one of the more obvious signs of water heater trouble. This indicates a possible leak. Wasted water means higher utility bills. Get this checked right away.
  2. Decreased Water Quality: Water should be clean and contain only water—not visible sediment, or rust. Visible corrosion could be a symptom of several plumbing problems.
  3. Fluctuation: Water pressure and temperature should remain consistent. Any undesired fluctuation could indicate a problem. Remember also that water should be hot—not lukewarm—hot.
  4. Popping Sounds: Yes, water heaters make strange noises from time to time, but a popping sound, indicative of hard water, could prove detrimental to your pipes and water heater.
  5. Burn Marks: If you see anything on your water heater that resembles a burn mark, immediately contact a professional. This may indicate improper ventilation that may lead to the release of toxic fumes in your home.

What Makes Us Delightful?

  • One-year warranty on all parts and services
  • Up-front, fixed-rate pricing (no surprises)
  • We show up on time, in uniform, and ready to work.
  • Over a decade of experience serving the greater Portland community

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Give 3 Mountains Home Services a call to find out more about our water heater installation options and what might be best for you and your home!

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